
Tech Support: All of my windows 'Stop Responding'

All of my windows 'Stop Responding'

* Original Title: Computer Hangs...Kind of? Please Help. 
So this started less then 2 weeks ago, and I got to say, it's getting on my nerves.
So at very RANDOM times, my computer kind of hangs.
It doesn't freeze at all, but it does, it's weird, let me explain.

When the problem happens, all of my windows 'Stop Responding'.
It sits there, and it returns to normal, and Skype and everything works until you right click, where it stops responding again.
I close out of the windows, and when I try to open them up again,
the icon highlights, then returns to normal as if its not going to open.

This is most annoying when browsing on the internet.
(I suspected Chrome to be the issue but after uninstalling it, it does the same thing on Firefox, and IE.
Anyway, when the system hangs while I'm on Chrome, it sits loading a page with 'Waiting for Cache...'.
Then I try another site, and the same error happens.
So, I close Chrome, and it closes fine.
I try to open it again, and again, and nothing happens.
The icon highlights, then dims to normal again.
The system does this 10 minutes at a time, and does it randomly.
It mainly happens when I leave the computer idle and I return to it being this way for 10 minutes.

When the system is done 'hanging', all the programs I clicked during that hang suddenly open and everything works perfectly fine until the next hang happens.
(Mind you: I can not start task manager, do CTL+ALT+DEL, or shut down/log off/restart.
When I
open the start menu opens, and I hover over the shut down arrow, the start menu freezes for a minute, then closes.)

This is annoying, and I did nothing recently that would massively change my system.
I did however, uninstall my Bluetooth driver.
I didn't need it and it caused problem with Skype.
That is it.
Please help, thank you.

Also, it's very hard to test fixes because this problem happens at random times, sometimes after a couple hours.

Anwsers to the Problem All of my windows 'Stop Responding'

Download Error Fixer for Free Now

Windows Error Reporting - To Fix All of my windows 'Stop Responding'

  1. Go to Start button.
  2. Open Control Panel.
  3. Go to Windows Error Reporting.
  4. Click on System and Maintenance, then click Problem Reports and Solutions.
  5. Next, click Change Settings located on the left side panel of the Problem Reports and Solutions window.
  6. Select an option to configure how you want Windows to look for a solution to your problems. You may allow Windows to do it automatically or ask you every time to check if problem occurs.
  7. Next, click the Advanced settings link.
  8. Select Off to turn off Error Reporting.

Another Safe way to Repair the Problem: All of my windows 'Stop Responding':

How to Fix All of my windows 'Stop Responding' with SmartPCFixer?

1. You can Download Error Fixer here. Install it on your computer. When you open it, it will perform a scan.

2. After the scan is done, you can see the errors and problems need to be repaired. Click Fix All.

3. The Repair part is finished, the speed of your computer will be much higher than before and the errors have been removed. You can also use other functions in SmartPCFixer. Like dll downloading, windows updating and print spooler error repair.

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